Unix Summary of Commands



cal………………Provides a calendar.

cat………………Concatenate.  Outputs a text file to the screen.

cd……………….Change directory

chmod…………..Change modes/permissions on files.

cp……………….Makes copies of files

date……………..Gives the current date and time

diff……………...Finds the difference between two files.

echo…………….Echoes argument

file……………...Determines and displays information on the file type

find……………..Finds files

grep……………..Search a file for a pattern

gzip……………..Compresses/decompresses files.  Usually used in combination with tar.

head…………….Displays the top part of a text file.  Opposite of tail.

kill……………...Terminates a process.  Example: kill -9 2323

less……………...Scrolls through a text file

ln………………..Makes file links (similar to a Windows shortcut)

ls………………..List contents of a directory

man……………..Manual.  Example: man find

mkdir…………...Make a directory

more…………….Scrolls through a text file

mv………………Moves files.

passwd………….Change the Unix login password

pico……………..A simple text editor

ps……………….Process status report.  Example: ps -ef

pwd……………..Prints (gives the path) of the working directory

rm………………Remove (delete) a file

rm –fr…………...Forcefully remove (delete) a file or directory and all its contents

tail………………Displays the last part of a text file (opposite of head)

tar -cf…..……….Groups multiple files into a single archive

tar –xf…………..Unpacks a tar archive into multiple files

top………………Displays information about the top CPU processes

uname…………...Displays system information. 

vi………………..A text editor

wc………………Counts the words in a file

who……………..Lists users who are logged in to the system



For more information on using any of the above commands, type man [command] at the Unix prompt